Ryley Learning → LSO

LSO: Anti-Racism & Unconscious Bias

Welcome to Ryley Learning’s course, "Anti-Racism & Unconscious Bias for Workplaces: Professional Responsibilities.

What happens when an AI robot is brought on board as Future Generation’s "objective" hiring tool? This 1-hour eLearning course uses animation animated fact-scenarios and interactive exercises to explore:

What is bias and stereotyping, what is systemic racism, and how can one be an effective leader and ally?
What LSO requirements and Rules of Professional Conduct apply to legal workplaces?
What other Ontario laws relate to discrimination and harassment in the workplace, and in service relationships such as the provision of legal services?

It is accredited for 1 Hour of CPD (EDI or Professionalism) so don't forget to put your CPD hours in the Law Society of Ontario portal!
  • Course Agenda
  • (Animated) Ant-Racism & Unconscious Bias
  • LSO: Professional Responsibilities
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year